2016 Diocesan Synod
The 142nd Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
November 5, 2016
The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Niagara is the legal entity (established by statute of the Legislature in the Province of Ontario) with responsibility for the dealings of the Anglican Church within its diocesan boundaries. At Synod we seek God's intention for us as we pray, discern, talk, listen and work at being a Church as a diverse community under the leadership of our Bishop, The Right Reverend Michael A. Bird.
Pre-Synod meetings open to everyone:
Wednesday October 12 7pm, St. Columba, St. Catharines
Wednesday October 19 7pm, St. George's Lowville
Regional Representation on Synod Council
Please be advised that the method for electing regional representatives to Synod Council is changing this year. The agenda of Synod will include time for regional caucus meetings. Members of Synod should be considering people from their regions who they consider to be appropriate candidates for Synod Council positions. Nominees do not have to be current Members of Synod. If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please be in touch with Mary Anne Grant below, or your local archdeacon for further information.
Attached you will find the job description for Synod Council representatives as well as the outline of the new procedure for nomination and elections. The caucuses for the regions of Brock, Lincoln and Mohawk will be held 12-12:30pm in designated breakaway rooms. The caucuses for the regions of Greater Wellington, Trafalgar and Undermount will be held from 1:00-1:30 pm in breakaway rooms.
For further information, please contact:
More Information to come