University Chaplaincies

Our diocese supports, along with our ecumenical partners, chaplaincies at Brock University, the University of Guelph and McMaster University. The chaplaincies are places on campus for non-judgmental conversation, discernment and connection with others. Chaplains are able to support students with academic, relational, spiritual and financial concerns. Each chaplaincy undertakes ministry that is contextual to its campus, but all provide personal support, a variety of programs that range from social justice to faith formation, as well as worship opportunities and places for prayer.

Our chaplaincies are well positioned to offer spiritual care to many students, including those who have left the church of their baptism or confirmation, those who remain connected, but from a distance, and those who have never had a religious affiliation. Regardless of their background, many students have questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

Program Consultant – Children, Youth & Family Ministries