Archdeacons serve the church within our diocese by taking particular responsibility for buildings, including church buildings, the welfare of clergy and their families and the implementation of diocesan policy within the region to which they are assigned.
In our diocese there are also some "non-territorial" Archdeacons who have been appointed to assist the Bishop in the implementation of particular responsibilities across the entire diocese.
The following is the list of our Archdeacons in Niagara:

The Venerable Terry DeForest
Archdeacon of Hamilton-Haldimand
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The Venerable Terry Holub
Archdeacon of Brock
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The Venerable Bill Mous
Executive Archdeacon
905-527-1316 x330
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The Venerable Peter Scott
Archdeacon of Greater Wellington
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The Venerable Sheila Van Zandwyk
Archdeacon of Lincoln
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The Venerable Jeff Ward
Archdeacon of Trafalgar
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