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Our Mandate

The people of the Diocese of Niagara have long expressed a concern for creation consistent with the Fifth Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion, “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.” In 2019, the synod of the diocese declared a climate emergency; Bishop Susan Bell urged Niagara Anglicans, “to live up to our responsibility as the protectors of God’s earth.”

Climate Justice Niagara will equip the leaders and people of the diocese to live more deeply into the Fifth Mark of Mission and our diocesan Mission Action Plan within our parishes, homes and communities and to be strong advocates for local and global change in the following ways:

Committee Composition & Meetings

The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the bishop. The committee shall consist of no more than twelve people appointed by the Bishop of Niagara on the recommendation of the chair and program consultant for social justice and outreach. The program consultant shall serve as an ex-officio member. Members shall serve for a two-year term, renewable two times. The committee shall normally meet monthly, at the call of the chair.


Members of the committee are volunteers and shall not receive remuneration. Mileage may be reimbursed according to the diocesan policy on Mileage Reimbursement as a Tax Receipt. If approved in advance by the Treasurer, a member may also submit a receipt for reimbursement of specific expenses related to committee activities.

The Collect: Prayer for Climate Justice

God of life
Through whom all beauty and wonder come into being
We thank you for this Earth, our home
For the diversity of creation
And the blessings of earth, air and water

Grant us your grace that we may
Exercise wise stewardship of this Earth
Tread lightly upon it
And cherish its resources

Help us to move towards behaviors that are environmentally healthy
To leave behind our consumer demand for plastics and our wasteful practices
To act now for the good of future generations and all of life

Give us the will and courage to simplify the way we live
To reduce the energy we use
To share the resources you provide
And to bear the cost of change

As climate change confronts us
May we commit to the changes that need to be made

Help us to become instruments of a new creation
Founded on the covenant of your love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Saviour

- From Climate Justice Niagara