2025 Lent Book Study ~ A New and Ancient Evangelism

Location: St John's Anglican Church, Ancaster

Date: April 23, 2025 to 8:30pm

2025 Lent Book Study ~ Rediscovering the Way God Calls and Sends. Join us for a six week book study exploring the Reverend Dr. Judith Paulsen's engaging book on evangelism. Recommended by Bishop Susan Bell, this study will be led by the Rector (Canon Joseph Asselin) and Dr. Jonathan Juilfs who is a professor at Redeemer University and a parishioner here at St. John's.

When/Where: Six evenings beginning Wednesday, March 19. Sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Space and conclude with Compline (Night Prayer) at 8:15 p.m. in the church.

Who: Parishioners, friends, neighbours, anyone interested.

Cost: $20 for the book payable on the first evening.

Please register either by signing the roster in the entrance-way next to our chapel (where books are also available) or you can register directly with the Rector at #905-648-2353 or at rector@ancasteranglican.org who is also available to ask any questions about the study.
