Our Ministry Team

The Venerable Jeff Ward



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Jeff was born in Atlanta, Georgia and raised in Montreal and the GTA. He has traveled a long journey through several denominations which has offered him experience and perspective for the challenges that other people have faced while seeking a deeper spirituality and a nurturing church experience. He spent 20 years in the technology manufacturing industry and finally answered the call to ordained ministry in 2001. Jeff is married to Sue-Ann who is also an Anglican priest. Together, they have raised four wonderful children. Jeff has a passion for people. He holds a particular passion for outreach through social justice, compassionate care, and family ministry in his practice of ministry. He is constantly seeking excellence in all aspects of ministry and the inclusion of all people in the church of God.

Vincent Cheng

Music & Choir Director

VINCENT CHENG first established himself as a prominent accompanist/organist for St. Michael’s Choir School in Toronto in concerts and services across Canada, USA and internationally. He has been associate organist at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica, principal organist/music director at St. Rose of Lima, St. Luke and St. Elizabeth Seton churches (2000–2019), St. Michael's Choir School Alumni Choir (2015-2019) delivering revolutionary performances at Massey and Roy Thomson Hall, orchestral pianist/assistant conductor/chorus master for the Toronto Philharmonic (2006-2010) with influential mentor Kerry Stratton. Vincent's conducting experience extends across the United States and the world, including: founding award-winning Vocal Horizons Chamber Choir (2005), 3rd prize at Budapest MAV International (Hungary, 2013), assistant opera conductor in Berlin, Germany (2012-2013), guest conductor for Greater Toronto Philharmonic and conductor for a MOSAIC Choir concert tour in Israel/Jordan (2019). In addition to conducting, Vincent also released 4 CDs (Rhapsody in White, Journey to Spring, Grand Night of Music I and II) as producer and sound engineer. Vincent is also a sought-after vocal coach in his unique ability to maximize singers’ potential in the most effective way through body, mind and spirit. Following a career in electrical engineering (2004-2011), Vincent sought to deepen his understanding of the human condition and has explored over 32 countries, fostering a deep understanding of diverse cultures and humanity. Since 2013, he has annually traveled to Japan, residing with a Zen Buddhist monk in a 600-year-old temple. Returning to Canada in 2014, he studied psychotherapy while continuing his conducting career and is now practicing as a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario. With these varied experiences, it culminated in the authoring of his first book; "Heal The Source™…and Create Lasting Fulfillment", a method and guide to fast-track personal healing based on individual needs. Vincent's visionary thinking and motivational abilities guide him in serving others through Heal The Source™ to contribute to healing the world. Visit www.HealTheSource.com for more details.

Ms. Anna Tavakoli

Youth Leader/Sunday School


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Anna grew up at St. Cuthbert's having been a member of our Sunday School and Youth Group. We are excited that she has since joined us as our Children's Ministry and Youth Leader.

The Reverend Canon Dr. Alan Hayes

Honorary Assistant


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Ms. Lori Kennedy

Office Administrator


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