Justice and Outreach
Walking with both feet signifies the need for a balanced approach in the work toward right relationship between all members of the human family, with Mother Earth, and all God’s creatures. Responding to injustice requires attention to both the immediate needs as well as addressing the root cause of the issue. This often means determining who has the power to change things and joining voices with others to advocate for an end to a systemic oppression.
Justice Priorities
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Climate Crisis
- Income and Food Security
- Human Trafficking
- Migrant Farm Workers
- Refugees
Food security provides a clear example of the “walking with both feet,” approach. While many of the Diocese of Niagara’s parishes are involved in providing food to community members in need as a charitable response to hunger and poverty, there must also be a step forward with the other foot that calls on elected officials to improve employment and income security tools so people can afford to buy their own food.
This approach, grounded in prayer, rooted in education, and committed to action and advocacy, is also evident in the work of Climate Justice Niagara (CJN). Parishes lessen carbon footprints by banning single-use plastics by 2022 and making structural changes with guidance through the CJN Accreditation Program, while at the same time, individuals gather virtually to take part in CJN workshops like, “Advocacy for H20,” providing both education and tools for political change.
To learn more about the opportunities to engage in justice and outreach with the Diocese of Niagara, please contact:
Program Consultant, Justice and Outreach