2021 Synod GHG Reduction Motion
Parish Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plans
Ms. Sue Carson / Ms. Anne Young
‘WHEREAS the global climate emergency has been identified by Bishop Susan Bell, at previous Diocese of Niagara Synods, and the Anglican Church of Canada, as the most pressing moral issue of our time;
AND WHEREAS the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released yet another dire warning for the planet this year;
AND WHEREAS the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope, and the Ecumenical Patriarch urged world leaders "to listen to the cry of the Earth" and address climate change;
AND WHEREAS our Baptismal Covenant and our Fifth Mark of Mission call us to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth;
AND WHEREAS it is critical for the Diocese of Niagara to raise the level of environmental awareness and prompt intentional remedial action,
BE IT RESOLVED that Synod mandate Climate Justice Niagara to assist and resource parishes to complete a walk-through Energy Audit of their church buildings by the end of 2022;
AND THAT wardens and clergy use the audit to create a five-year parish plan to reach a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least ten percent (10%) by 2024;
AND THAT all parishes be encouraged to publicize their efforts as a Christian witness to the community at large and means of demonstrating our deep and abiding commitment addressing the climate crisis.’