NSML Fall Course Preview 2024

Registration is now open for the fall courses through the Niagara School for Missionary Leadership. This fall NSML is excited to offer 4 courses for the season.

Posted June 26, 2024

The Niagara School for Missional Leadership (NSML) is thrilled to announce registration is now open for 3 out of 4 of our fall classes.

"We were excited to see people have already started signing up before summer has even started," says Sarah Bird, the Missional Formation Coordinator for the diocese and Registrar for NSML. "We have the return of courses that were favourites in previous sessons such as, Anglican Polity: How We Do Things Around Here and Pastoral Care Foundation: Presence, Paying Attention and Prayer."

The NSML team is especially looking forward to the launch of a brand new course. "The Reverend Canon Dr. Judith Paulsen is joining us this September with her course, A New and Ancient Evangelism. This course is based off of Judith's newest book, which was just released in June and would be a great resource for parishes." 

Parish Development Missioner Emily Hill, was one of the staff at the Clergy, Wardens and Layworkers conference where she first heard Judith speak. "Judy's energy, enthusiasm and deep knowledge on the topic of evangelism will be a blessing for all students taking the course," shares Emily. "Her talk was an inspiration to all of us in attendance"

The course will guide participants through the ancient traditions of evangelism by reviewing eight biblical stories about conversion and the lessons they offer. Students will then explore how they can use these examples in a modern world through their own context.

For more information visit our website nsml.ca or contact Sarah Bird registrar@nsml.ca

Learn more about the NSML's new courses below:

Niagara School for Missional Leadership Upcoming Summer and Fall Courses 

How We Do Things Around Here: Anglican Polity 101
Understanding how the church organizes itself is crucial for helping people fully participate in the life of the Church. Knowing how things work also helps the Church maintain its missionality! This course taught by Bishop Susan Bell, explores the systems and structures of the Anglican church and how this serves as a foundation for supporting God's mission.

Tuesdays 4:30pm - 6:30pm October 1 - November 12

Presence, Paying Attention and Prayer: Pastoral Care Fundamentals
The love of neighbour is a calling for all disciples of Jesus. Yet, somehow by framing it as “pastoral care,” we have often reserved this ministry to “pastors” and separated it from daily life. Reflecting on the elements of caring presence, paying active attention to others’ needs, and prayerfully coming alongside them, we will identify and practice a range of pastoral care skills. Teacher-practictioner: The Venerable Terry DeForest this fall. 

Wednesdays 2:00pm - 4:00pm September 25 - November 13

A New and Ancient Evangelism
This course will introduce students to the ancient tradition of the church’s evangelism, rooted in the conversion stories of the Bible. We’ll explore together how God uses ordinary people of faith within their everyday spheres of influence to draw people to himself. Finally, this course will help students to share the good news in their own contexts, and in a way that is authentic, respectful, and ideally suited to the cultural dynamics of today’s world.
Teacher-practictioner: The Reverend Judith Paulsen 

Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm – 9:00pm September 18 – November 6

Christian Foundations: COMING SOON