New Archdeacons Appointed
Val Kerr, Suzanne Craven and Steve Hopkins to take on new roles
Posted April 18, 2016
Bishop Michael is pleased to announce the appointment of three new archdeacons.
Canon Valerie Kerr, Rector of St. John the Evangelist in Niagara Falls, will become Archdeacon for Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenous Ministry.
Archdeacon Steve Hopkins has agreed to become Archdeacon for Ministry Leadership Development.
Canon Suzanne Craven, Rector of Church of the Epiphany in Oakville, will become Archdeacon of Trafalgar.
“These individuals represent excellence in ministry and I am so pleased that they have agreed to share their incredible gifts with our diocese as an extension of my episcopal ministry,” said Bishop Michael Bird.
Canon Val (bottom left) will be charged with helping the Bishop implement the Anglican Church of Canada’s commitment to truth and reconciliation in the Diocese of Niagara. This ministry will include teaching, building relationships and fostering healing and reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.
Shifting archidiaconal roles, Archdeacon Steve (bottom centre) will now focus on supporting the Bishop by promoting adult leadership development amongst lay and ordained ministers of God’s mission, equipping them to pursue the goals of creating and nurturing disciples and growing missional communities.
Canon Suzanne (botttom right) will join the team of six regional archdeacons who serve our diocese by taking particular responsibility for church buildings, the well-being of clergy and their families, and the implementation of diocesan policy within the region to which they are assigned. They also serve as members of synod council.
A service to collate the archdeacons into these new roles will be held at Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton on June 19 at 4pm.