150th Diocesan Synod Set for November 2 in Burlington

Posted October 10, 2024

The sesquicentennial synod of the Diocese of Niagara will take place at the Burlington Convention Centre on November 2. 

Bishop Susan Bell has chosen the theme  ‘Faith in the Future’, the 150th Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, inspired by Jeremiah 29:11, “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”

Nearly 100 people attended online pre-Synod meetings in October to be oriented to the work of Synod, share feedback about the Mission Action Plan, and to learn about the proposed diocesan budget.

"It's shaping up to be a wonderful Synod," said Archdeacon Bill Mous, executive officer and secretary of synod. "There is so much good news about our ministries to share and so much to celebrate about our witness to the Way of Jesus - both past and present!" 

The agenda for Synod will include a charge from Bishop Susan Bell, the renewal of the diocesan Mission Action Plan (MAP), receiving the 2023 auditor’s report, consideration of the 2025 diocesan budget, as well as two canon changes.  Synod members will also hear from the executive directors of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and the Anglican Foundation of Canada, and engage with the work of the Primate’s Commission on Reimagining the Church.

Helping Synod to cast our gaze to the horizon and the opportunities to contribute to the wider Anglican Communion, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, recently retired primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, will be the Synod’s special guest. 

Leading up to Synod, online elections will be held for regional representatives to Synod Council as well as delegates for the upcoming General Synod that will be held in the Diocese of Huron next June.

After the regular Synod proceedings, the bishop will also host a special anniversary dinner in the evening to kick off the diocese’s 150th anniversary year. The entire diocesan family is welcomed for this ticketed event, which is being generously sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance. Proceeds from the dinner will go to a new foundation fund to support curacies across our diocese.  Tickets can be purchased here.

Secretary of Synod Bill Mous invites prayers for members of Synod, “Please keep those attending in your prayers as they discern how best to equip our diocese – and all our parishes and missions– to put our faith in the future!” 

To learn more about our 150th Synod, visit the Synod webpage