Bishop's Company 2009
Bishop's Company Annual Dinner was held on Monday, October 5, 2009 at the Burlington Convention Centre
The Bishop's Company is a place to renew friendships and to carry on animated discusssions!
Archbishop Caleb Lawrence (left) was the guest speaker at this event
Karen Nowicki from Cathedral Place is the organizer for the Bishop's Company
Bishop Bird thanks those who have supported the Bishop's Company.
This event is for the young and for our elders. The commonality lies in the fact that all those there were young at heart!
Please enjoy the photos of those who were enjoying themselves: (and be sure to attend next year!)
Become a Partner in the work of the Bishop's Company!
The Bishop's Company is a discretionary fund to assist clergy members and their families. It was established by Bishop Walter Bagnall in January, 1951 and was funded by the Bishop's Men. Through time, it has become know as the Bishop's Company.